April Events

April Open Gyms

Level Up Open Gym: April 4, and 18 from 7:00-8:30 pm

Come work on your skills to level up. Serious athletes working on their skills only. Must be a current member to attend. Restrictions on some events can occur while working around team practice.

$15 per Member

April No School Day Camps

April 17, 18, and 21st
8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

No School Day Camps are the perfect way to spend in-service days. We offer full day and half day options to meet every family’s needs.

Special Schedule for NFL Draft

April 21st-25th

There are no Rec Classes this week and a special gymnastics team schedule Monday-Wednesday. 

May Events

May No School Day Camps

May 2 and 9
8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

No School Day Camps are the perfect way to spend in-service days. We offer full day and half day options to meet every family’s needs.

Gym Closed for Memorial Day

May 23 and 26

The gym will be closed on Friday, May 23 and Monday, May 26 for the Memorial Day holiday. 

Stay tuned for more events coming soon!