Level Up Open Gym: April 4, and 18 from 7:00-8:30 pm
Come work on your skills to level up. Serious athletes working on their skills only. Must be a current member to attend. Restrictions on some events can occur while working around team practice.
$15 per Member
April 17, 18, and 21st8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
No School Day Camps are the perfect way to spend in-service days. We offer full day and half day options to meet every family’s needs.
April 21st-25th
There are no Rec Classes this week and a special gymnastics team schedule Monday-Wednesday.
May 2 and 98:00 AM – 4:30 PM
May 23 and 26
The gym will be closed on Friday, May 23 and Monday, May 26 for the Memorial Day holiday.