Please review all of the following rules with your children; they must understand and abide by these rules in order to have a safe and enjoyable experience at Tri-County Gymnastics.
- At the start of each class period, coaches will call out their group. Until then, students should remain in the observation area. All family members must remain in the observation area… especially young children!
- No child is allowed to use any of the equipment without an instructor’s permission. If the child does not understand the directions, he/she is encouraged to ask for repeated directions or a different explanation.
- If a child needs to leave the gym floor for any reason (bathroom break, drink of water, etc.), the child must ask the instructor for permission first and check back in with the instructor upon returning.
- No jewelry of any type may be worn in class at any time; jewelry causes safety concerns. All types of valuables should be left at home; Tri-County Gymnastics will not assume responsibility for lost, broken, or stolen items.
- No food or drinks are permitted on the gym floor. You may consume food and drinks in the observation area provided you do not leave your wrappers or spills for staff to clean up.
- No gum is allowed in the gym. Besides being a safety concern, it can damage our equipment and our facility if not properly disposed of.
- We provide band-aids and ice packs to treat minor injuries. If your child has a mishap in the gym, we will keep you informed, but please remember to let our staff try to resolve the situation first. Athletic tape and pre-wrap is available for purchase at the gym ($2.50, $1.50 respectively).
- Please do not send your child to the gym if he/she has open wounds that cannot be properly covered or if your child has potentially contagious ailments including (but not limited to) colds, lice, skin infections, etc.
- If a child is participating in unsafe horse-play, we reserve the right to remove that child from class for as long as we see fit. If misconduct continues, we will contact you to discuss the most appropriate course of action.